Course Overview

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    • Welcome!

    • Roadmap for the Workshop

    • Travel Planning

    • Complete Your Engineering Unleashed Profile

    • Workshop Team Introduction

    • Goals of the Workshop

    • Utilizing the Workshop’s Engineering Unleashed Group

    • How to Access the Intro to EM Course

    • Glossary: What do we mean by ....?

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    EM and Research

    • EM Applied to Research

    • What do we mean by curiosity?

    • Quiz: Research and Context

    • The Neurology of Connected Thinking

    • Activity - Research Concept Map

    • Concept Map

    • Creating Value: What Does That Mean?

    • Activity - A Conversation: CREATING VALUE

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    Next Steps

    • What do you think about this Quickstart course? We need your feedback.

    • Quickstart Conclusion