Course Overview

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    • Let's Start the Meetup!

    • Goals for Our Meetup

    • Our Meetup

    • Agenda and Important Links and Documents

    • Goals of the Workshop

    • Meet your Workshop's Facilitators and Coaches

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    Day 1

    • Where are we going this week?

    • Setting Norms

    • What is the Purpose of the Cards?

    • Try It: Creating Your Own Draft Card

    • Wrapping Up Day 1: Muddiest Point

    • Day 1 slides

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    Day 2: Project Structures

    • URE Project Structures

    • Structuring Undergraduate Research to Help Yourself

    • Video: Small Farm Anaerobic Digester Tour

    • Workshop Activity: Database of Ideas on How to Use UREs to Help Yourself (Part 1)

    • Workshop Activity: Database of Ideas on How to Use UREs to Help Yourself (Part 2)

    • Post-Workshop Lesson: Vertically Integrated Projects

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    Day 2: Recruiting and Motivating Students

    • Recruiting and Motivating Students

    • Lesson: Student Recruitment Fundamentals

    • Lesson: Student Selection Fundamentals

    • Video: Example Elevator Pitch

    • Workshop Activity: Develop an Elevator Pitch!

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    Day 2: Student Identity

    • Student Identity Slides

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    Day 2: Curiosity Types


    • Pre-Lesson Video: The Importance of Curiosity

    • Pre-Lesson Survey: Are You a Curious Person?

    • Lesson: The Five Dimensions of Curiosity

    • Lesson: The Four Types of Curious People

    • Video: The Four Types of Curious People

    • Lesson: Curiosity Injections - Cultivating Curiosity in Students

    • Workshop Activity: Nature Walk

    • Bonus Related Resources: Question Formulation Technique

    • Bonus Related Resources: A Small Collection of Tools

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    Day 2: Mentoring

    • Introduction to Mentoring Best Practices

    • Video: Caught in a Bad Project

    • Mentoring Best Practices

    • Activity - Student Mentoring Plan

    • Mentoring Resources

    • Wrapping Up Day 2: Muddiest Point

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    Day 3: Outreach and Broader Impacts

    • Intro - Outreach and Broader Impacts

    • Video: Grand Challenges of Engineering

    • Outreach and Broader Impacts: Grand Challenges of Engineering and Broader Impacts Activities

    • Wrapping Up Day 3: Muddiest Point

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    Day 3: Connecting to Curriculum

    • Connecting to Curriculum and ABET

    • Connecting to Program Curriculum Requirements and ABET

    • Workshop Activity: Connect ABET with your Concept Map

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    Day 3: Student Publishing

    • In-Workshop Lesson: Connecting Publishing to Curriculum

    • In-Workshop Activity - Storytelling

    • Post-Workshop Lesson: Reframing Failure in a Culture of Learning

    • Post-Workshop Lesson: A Spectrum of Failure

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    Day 3: Timelines

    • Workshop Activity - Research Timeline

    • Wrapping Up Day 3: Muddiest Point

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    Day 4: Report Outs and Wrap-Up

    • What do you think about this Meetup course? We need your feedback.

    • Conclusion

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    Assessment (Optional)

    • Assessment Structures - Designed for classrooms, but relevant for research projects

    • Build your Assessment Plan