Course Overview

  • 1


    • Meet up on Zoom for the Unleashing Academic Change Workshop

    • Let's start the Meet up with some brief introductions

    • Your Roadmap for Unleashing Academic Change

    • Our Daily Agenda

  • 2

    Day 1--Emerging Opportunities and Challenges

    • Exploring the challenge/opportunity/problem through 5 Whys

    • 5 Whys Template

  • 3

    Day 1--Project Impact Assessment

    • Learning Objectives, EM Objectives

    • Session Workbook

    • Download Session Workbook

    • Wrapping Up Day 1--Time for Reflection

    • Small Group Coaching

  • 4

    Day 2--Understanding Academia Through Multiple Frames

    • Learning Objectives, EM Objectives, Recommended Reading

    • Session Workbook

    • Download Session Workbook

    • Download Session Slides

  • 5

    Day 2--Gauging and Sustaining Support and Influence

    • Learning Objectives, EM Objectives, Recommended Readings

    • Session Workbook

    • Download Session Workbook

    • Download Session Slides

    • Wrapping Up Day 2--Time for Reflection

    • Small Group Coaching

  • 6

    Day 3--Personalities and Identities

    • Learning Objectives, EM Objectives, Recommended Readings

    • Session Workbook

    • Download Session Workbook

    • Download Session Slides

  • 7

    Day 3--Cultures and Behaviors

    • Learning Objectives, EM Objectives, Recommended Readings

    • Session Workbook

    • Download Session Workbook

    • Download Session Slides

  • 8

    Day 3--Encouraging People to Change

    • Learning Objectives, EM Objectives, Recommended Readings

    • Session Workbook

    • Download Session Workbook

    • Download Session Slides

    • Wrapping Up Day 3: Time for Reflection

    • Small Group Coaching

  • 9

    Day 4--Identifying and Managing Risks Associated with Change

    • Learning Objectives, EM Objectives, Recommended Readings

    • Session Workbook

    • Download Session Workbook

    • Download Session Slides

  • 10

    Day 4--Communicating Change Part 1

    • Learning Objectives, EM Objectives, Recommended Readings

    • Session Workbook

    • Download Session Workbook

    • Small Group Coaching

    • Wrapping Up Day 4: Time for Reflection

  • 11

    Day 5--Communicating Change Part 2

    • Telling Your Story of Change

  • 12

    Day 5--Preparing Your KEEN Card

    • Preparing Your KEEN Card

    • Download Session Workbook

    • Download Session Slides

    • Small Group Coaching

  • 13

    Parting Thoughts and Feedback Survey

    • What do you think about this Meetup course? We need your feedback.

    • Conclusion