About the Course

What You'll Learn

The facilitation team has developed several high level goals and takeaways of the course. Your own entrepreneurial mindset (EM) will be engaged as we explore how disruptive technologies can be used to foster an entrepreneurial mindset with engineering students.

At the completion of this on-demand course on disruptive technologies, you will be able to:

Module 1: What are disruptive technologies?

  • Define, identify, compare, and contrast.
  • Identify types of customers and their needs.

Module 2: Case Studies

  • Identify disruptors from traditional products and services. 
  • Consider when innovations become sustaining technologies that in turn can be disrupted. 

Module 3: Be Disruptive

  • Identify an industry, technology, product, or service to explore. 
  • Develop a concept for a disruptive innovation 

Module 4: Teaching with Disruptive Technologies: Fostering the Entrepreneurial Mindset

  • Learn why skills in disruptive technologies are important for engineers. 
  • Use disruptive technologies in your own teaching. 

Module 5: References & Acknowledgments

  • Learn more through additional resources.

Course Overview

  • 1

    Course Overview

    • Welcome!

    • Why are you here?

    • Goal Setting

  • 2

    What are disruptive technologies?

    • One Definition (and Sources)

    • Sustaining vs. Disruptive Technologies

    • Types of Customers

    • Example: Home Video Entertainment Market (Part 1)

    • Can You Identify the Disruptive Innovation?

    • Example: Home Video Entertainment Market (Part 2)

    • Other Potential Disruptive Innovations

  • 3

    Case Studies

    • Introduction

    • Power Tools

    • Computers

    • Medical Devices

    • Transportation

    • The Disruptor Becomes the Disrupted

    • Other Disruptors?

  • 4

    Be Disruptive

    • Its Your Turn!

    • What Did You Come Up With?

  • 5

    Teaching with Disruptive Technologies: Fostering the Entrepreneurial Mindset

    • Disruptive Technologies and Engineering Education

    • How Could You Use Disruptive Technologies in Your Own Teaching?

    • Some Suggestions for Engaging Students with Disruptive Technologies

  • 6

    References & Acknowledgements

    • Resources for Learning More

    • Image References