Transform Your Classes, Research and Service

Enjoy a rewarding, collaborative learning experience in an Engineering Unleashed Faculty Development (EUFD) National Workshop! Subject matter experts from institutions across the country have designed 14 offerings to expand your use of the entrepreneurial mindset.

View the Workshops

May 20 - 24
June 3 - 6
Hyatt Regency Bloomington
June 10 - 14
July 29 - Aug 1

Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort & Spa
Aug 12 - 15

The Pfister Hotel

Full 2024 EUFD Print Catalog

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The Complete Catalogue

Learn more about the 14 workshops


From workshop logistics to travel and accommodations, please contact EUFD staff. We're happy to help!
Testimonials from Past
Engineering Unleashed Faculty Development National Workshops

"I really enjoyed this workshop. I learned a lot about different pedagogical approaches and built a sense of community with my other attendees. This was a worthwhile and enjoyable experience. Thank you to everyone!"

-- Anonymous

"The faculty development workshops have been a great way to network, get translatable ideas for my own curriculum, as well as develop my own ideas for infusing EM into my teaching and scholarship."

-- Anonymous

"Leadership Unleashed helped me to understand my own leadership strengths and values, and set me on a path to improve and grow as a leader and a faculty member. I better understand how to leverage resources that will improve my leadership skills and potential. I now have a personal leadership statement I can look back on as inspiration and a reminder to keep learning, keep doing."

-- Anonymous

"This was a fantastic workshop that gave me real world tools to implement EML activities in my classes. It also pairs me with a mentor and resources to help me actually implement them. Even if you've never heard of EML, you owe it to your students to complete a workshop like this and transform your teaching."

-- Anonymous

"This workshop introduced me to a number of new ideas and techniques that I will transfer immediately to my classroom in the first term after taking the workshop. I enjoyed the instructors, and look forward to working with my coach and the new friends and colleagues I met in the workshop, even given a virtual workshop. I LOVE the sharing among colleagues and the use and development of cards to facilitate sharing with others."

-- Anonymous

"The ICE workshop has provided great insight into how to better develop a curiosity in my students to help self-motivation. It has provided me with practical ideas on how to better my teaching and the engaging of my students."

-- Anonymous

"Thank you for the opportunity to attend the KEEN EML and Student Research workshop. I enjoyed the learning modules and workshop activities, in particular the material on curiosity and student recruitment. The facilitators succeeded in communicating the material, guiding the activities, and building a community of engaged practitioners."

-- Anonymous

"I found the workshop to be a great place to interact with faculty colleagues who have experience with fostering entrepreneurial mindset among their students. The EML activities at the workshop gave me a good idea of the time and resources I’ll need to enhance student learning in my classroom. The reasonable pace of activities left room for engaging conversations and feedback about methods to follow, roadblocks to expect, and means to overcome challenges in the classroom."

-- Anonymous